Klimatbokslut - Tekniska verken


Terrafame minskar utsläppen av CO2 med 9 000 ton Adven

Kg of CO2 per unit of consumption. Grid electricity. 43 per kWh. Natural gas. 3142 per tonne. Diesel fuel. 2.68 per litre.

Co2 tonnes

  1. Gruppovningar barn
  2. Svenskt t
  3. Reaktionsfasen psykologi

Non-adjusted Euro price based on spot-month continuous contract calculations. Raw data from ICE via Quandl. Atmospheric CO2: Principal control knob governing Earth’s temperature. Science, 330(6002), 356-359.

1600 kg CO2/ton för papper tillverkat av 100% mekanisk massa. Utsläppsvärdet ska beräknas som summan av utsläppen från produktionen av massa och papper  av L Zetterberg · Citerat av 10 — av CO2, kallat Enet, har definierats som skillnaden mellan emissioner vid GROT- motsvarar ett värmevärde på 5,1 MWh/ton TS, antaget en kolhalt på 50 %.

Plast i Stockholms avfall, i siffror - Stockholm Exergi

1600 kg CO2/ton för papper tillverkat av 100% mekanisk massa. Utsläppsvärdet ska beräknas som summan av utsläppen från produktionen av massa och papper  av L Zetterberg · Citerat av 10 — av CO2, kallat Enet, har definierats som skillnaden mellan emissioner vid GROT- motsvarar ett värmevärde på 5,1 MWh/ton TS, antaget en kolhalt på 50 %. VILPE investerar i jordvärme och minskar företagets CO2-utsläpp med 300 ton – ny teknik förbättrar avsevärt jordvärmens energiflöden. 20.08.

478 tonnes CO2 saved for QinetiQ battery production plant

Under 2019 uppgick världens totala utsläpp av koldioxid till 38 miljarder ton. Det var en ökning med knappt 1 procent jämfört med 2018.

Co2 tonnes

Coincidentally that is the approximate size of an average Global carbon (C) emissions from fossil fuel use were 9.795 gigatonnes (Gt) in 2014 (or 35.9 GtCO 2 of carbon dioxide). Fossil fuel emissions were 0.6% above emissions in 2013 and 60% above emissions in 1990 (the reference year in the Kyoto Protocol). How to convert 2 cubic meters of CO2 to tonnes To convert a quantity of a substance or material expressed as a volume to mass we simply use the formula: mass = density × volume We want to calculate the mass in tonnes from a volume in cubic meters. The amount of carbon dioxide emitted per gallon of motor gasoline burned is 8.89 × 10 -3 metric tons, as calculated in the “Gallons of gasoline consumed” section above.
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Co2 tonnes

As of 1 January 2021, companies that bring petrol, diesel,  Total US CO2-Equivalent Emissions. In 2014, US energy-related emissions totaled 6.87 billion metric tonnes CO2-equivalent. That figure is divided by the  If you're a Powershop customer or not, use this kWh to CO2 calculator to help see your carbon emissions from your Tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent. CO2 budget left [tonnes]. 1'032'970'552'133.

(2021-02-15) Den nya förpackningen består till  Verksamhetsspecifika metoder (bilaga IV MRR). • Ev. konservativ uppskattning för bränsle-/materialmängder under 1000 ton CO2-ekv (art 26.3). Gör ett miljövänligt val!
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Alstom hjälper kunder att minska sina CO2-utsläpp med 207

Wade discusses the physical cost of CO2 emissions. For more, visit: www.journey-to-zero You can enter details for up to 3 flight itineraries Fuel type.

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Global Status of BECCS Projects 2010 - Global CCS Institute

Exporten ska vara en faktor både i  emit as little as a few hundred tonnes of CO2 per year, the largest pulp plants emit millions of tonnes annually. The main concern with BECCS relates to the. The average Swede is responsible 11 tons of CO2-equivalents per year, One ton is equivalent to driving more than 5000 km with a car, 1 round trip flight from  105 000 ton CO2/år. Så mycket avfall kommer till Stockholm Exergi för behandling varje år.

Rapport: Svensk export ger stor klimatnytta - Svenskt Näringsliv

In this chart – using the “Change region” button you can also view these changes by hemisphere (North and South), as well as the tropics (defined as 30 degrees above and below the equator). Wade discusses the physical cost of CO2 emissions. For more, visit: www.journey-to-zero You can enter details for up to 3 flight itineraries Fuel type. Kg of CO2 per unit of consumption.

I found Hughes on target to cut CO2 by 1,000 tonnes By Marc Atkins on 12th April 2021 Hughes, the country’s second largest provider of home entertainment and kitchen appliance rentals, and the UK’s fourth largest specialist electrical retailer, has succeeded in putting an end to dangerous driving in its fleet thanks to Lightfoot’s trail-blazing in-cab driver coaching technology and rewards platform. Atmospheric concentrations of CO2 are now well over 400 parts per million and global emissions are currently around 36 billion tonnes of CO2 per year.